Landlords - roles and responsibilities

Rental Housing Property Management By-law: A guide for landlords

Rental Housing Property Management By-law: A guide for landlords

Guide for landlords

Landlord requirements under the by-law

Landlord requirements under the by-law

The City’s Rental Housing Property Management By-law (No. 2020-255) came into force on August 31, 2021.

Landlords are required to:

Landlords must provide tenants with the following:

All property owners in Ottawa are also required to maintain and repair their properties in compliance with the standards set out in the Property Standards By-law (No. 2013-416), as amended, and the Property Maintenance By-law (No 2005-208), as amended.

Note: The Rental Housing Property Management By-law (2020-255) does not change or affect any obligations of landlords or tenants under the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006.

Billing Tenants for Water Utility Bills – Process Change Notice

Billing Tenants for Water Utility Bills – Process Change Notice

Beginning July 11, 2022, both landlord and tenant will each be required to complete and submit a respective online fillable form in order to have a tenant billed directly for water utility bills.

It is the responsibility of the landlord and the tenant to ensure that both forms are filled out correctly and sent within close proximity. Missing or incomplete forms will not be pursued by City staff and the tenant account will not be established until both forms are properly completed and returned. New accounts will be set up effective the date of receipt of the last form if received after the move in date.

To access the new forms and for further information, please visit How to bill tenants directly.

Capital maintenance plan

Capital maintenance plan

Rental buildings that have 3 or more storeys or 10 or more rental units are required to create a capital maintenance plan.

The capital maintenance plan must include an inspection record for each capital element:

Each inspection record must:

There is a grace period for new building owners to comply. New owners will have three (3) months from the date of transfer of ownership to develop a capital maintenance plan.

It is important that you keep it up to date and readily available if requested by a City of Ottawa By-law Officer.

Tenant service request

Tenant service request

Landlords must develop a process for tenants to make service requests verbally, in writing, and by electronic text.

Landlords must keep a record of all service requests submitted by their tenants. This information must be made available to a City of Ottawa By-law Officer upon request.

Landlord records must include the following:

If a tenant requests a copy of a written record when the service request is made, the landlord must provide it to the tenant within 30 days.

Urgent service requests must be responded to within 24 hours.

Urgent service requests include:

Non-urgent service requests must be responded to within 7 days.

Requirements for managing tenant service requests:

Tenant support registry

Tenant support registry

All landlords are required to maintain a tenant support registry which records any request for assistance made by a tenant. Landlords must be able to present this up-to-date support registry for inspection by a By-law Officer if requested.

The tenant support registry must include:

A tenant may voluntarily self-identify as needing support for issues such as:

Landlords must provide information on the existence of this registry and how a tenant can register or be removed from the registry in the information for tenants document.

A tenant service request is not the same thing as a tenant support request.

A tenant service request outlines requests for service from tenants, such as repairs and refurbishments. A tenant support request is a voluntary request from tenants for support or assistance.

Information for tenants document

Information for tenants document

At the time the lease is signed, landlords must provide tenants with an information for tenants document.

Landlords have until November 30, 2021 to provide all current tenants with a copy of the information for tenants document.

Information for tenants document must include:

Delivery of the information for tenants document:

Two (2) copies must be provided with the lease agreement. One copy must be provided to the tenant for their records and one copy must be signed by the tenant and retained by the landlord with the lease agreement.

Refer to the City of Ottawa Rental Housing Property Management By-law (No. 2020-255) for further details on requirements for delivery when a tenant refuses to sign the document.

Updating the information for tenants document:

The information for tenants document must be kept up-to-date and tenants shall be notified within 30 days when there are changes to the document.

Contact information notification within 24 hours:

Property managers and landlords are required to provide or report a change of contact information within 24 hours following the change in information.

Integrated pest management plan

Integrated pest management plan

Integrated pest management plan must include:

Requirements of landlords when treating rental units for pests:

Additional information on pest identification, prevention and treatment:

Additional resources

Additional resources

Accessible formats

Accessible formats

If you or your tenant would like a printed copy of the guide for landlords or guide for tenants document, please contact us by email at or telephone 613 580 2400 ext. 29529.

Notice: This page is for information and convenience only, and while every effort has been made to include relevant resources City staff recognize that this page does not capture all available sources of information for landlords. Some of these links may take you to an external website that is not owned by the City. Your access to and use of any external site is subject to that website’s own rules and regulations.

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