Pool Remodel Contract Template

Utilize this free and customizable pool remodel contract template to explain the remodeling procedure efficiently. Let customers know what to expect during their pool remodeling and clearly outline the responsibilities of both parties and other vital terms.

​ [Contractor.City] [Contractor.State] [Contractor.PostalCode] ​

The Parties

This Pool Remodeling Contract (“Agreement”) is between [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] (“Client”) and [Contractor.FirstName] [Contractor.LastName] (“Contractor”) of [Contractor.Company] ​. Collectively referred to as Parties, both Parties guarantee that the below information is correct:


​ [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] of [Client.Company] , with the mailing address of [Client.StreetAddress] [Client.City] [Client.State] [Client.PostalCode] .


​ [Contractor.FirstName] [Contractor.LastName] of [Contractor.Company] , with the mailing address of [Contractor.StreetAddress] [Contractor.City] [Contractor.State] [Contractor.PostalCode] .

Whereas [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] intends to pay [Contractor.FirstName] [Contractor.LastName] for pool remodeling services, effective as of the (Start.Date), under the terms of this Agreement.

The Term

The services provided by the Contractor shall commence on (Start.Date), and the Project will have:

A completion date of (Due.Date) (“Due Date”) – Should the Contractor fail to complete the remodeling by the Due Date without reasonable cause, the Parties will:

Asses liquidated damages at a rate of $(Amount) per (Period) beyond the Due Date

Not asses any damages unless both Parties agree otherwise in a separate contract.

The Pool

The Client desires a remodeling of the pool located at (Property.Name), (Property.Address) (“Property”). In the case of the Property containing multiple pools, the applicable pool for this contract is (Pool.Description), (Pool.Location). The Client confirms that they have the legal right to authorize any remodeling of this pool and on the Property.

Scope of Work

Clearly explain what the remodel Work entails. By defining your exact service, you ensure there’s no extra work added without receiving compensation for it.

The Contractor agrees to perform the following Work:

Paving and Mosaicing

Adaptions and Features

Repairs and Leakages

The details of the above Work are as follows:

Hereinafter known as the “Work”.


​ [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] agrees to pay [Contractor.FirstName] [Contractor.LastName] the following compensation for the Work they perform, as per the terms of this Agreement:

$(Amount)/day, with a day referring to (Number) hours

$(Amount) flat rate for the Work

The Client must pay the compensation using (Payment.Method) or (Payment.Method). At the start of the Project, $(Amount)/(Percentage)# of the total amount is due. The Client will pay the remaining balance as per the below schedule:

After each (day/week/month) of Work, until the Project is completed on the Due Date

At the end of the Project

Should the Client not make payment by the applicable dates, the Contractor has the right to stop all Work until the Client makes payment. Should the Client continue not to make payment, the Contractor can levy a monthly interest fee of (Percentage)% on the outstanding balance and terminate the contract immediately.

Project Expenses

Project expenses refer to any payments made for materials, equipment, supplies, employee salaries, taxes, etc. Always say which operation costs the customer must reimburse you for and which fall under your responsibility as the Contractor for the compensation you receive.

The Contractor is responsible:

For all expenses related to completing the Work. These expenses include, but are not limited to, supplies, operating costs, materials, equipment, employee salaries, taxes, disability insurance, and any other charges related to completing the Work.

For all expenses associated with completing the Work, excluding the following, for which the Client must reimburse them: (Reimbursement.Expenses) (“Expenses”).

The Client must reimburse these Expenses to the Contractor within thirty (30) days of the Expenses and after receiving a statement of itemized expenses. However, the Client can request receipts and proof of purchase for the Expenses.

Liability Insurance

As with any construction work, accidents can happen. That’s why you must define the type of insurance you have and the minimum amount for this insurance.

The Contractor will bear all responsibilities for actions performed by them, their employees, or personnel under this Agreement. As such, the Contractor will obtain comprehensive liability insurance for bodily harm, personal injury, loss, property damage, cross-liability, and contractual liability (“Liability Insurance”).

The minimum amount for the Liability Insurance will be a combined single amount of $(Amount) / have no minimum limit requirement.

Rights of Termination

Either Party can terminate this Agreement with reasonable cause. However, they must provide a written notice at least (Number) days in advance, containing a description of the material breach from the other Party.

Without a material breach of this Agreement, either Party:

Shall have the option to terminate the Agreement with (Number) days’ written notice

Shall not have the opportunity to terminate the Agreement


Add any company policies specific to your brand in this section. We also add the general terms you require but customize it to fit your needs.


The Contractor acknowledges and warrants that they are licensed to perform the Work in the state of (State). The Contractor has a license to perform pool remodeling work, with license number (Enter.LicenceNumber). All employees and personnel associated with the Contractor must comply with federal, state, and local laws and work under the required permits, licenses, and certificates.

Force Majeure

A force majeure event occurs and impacts the Project beyond the reasonable control of either Party. As such, it includes but is not limited to events such as acts of God, riots, natural disasters, rebellions, pandemics, or government action interfering with the ability of the Contractor to carry out the Work. Should Force Majeure events impact the Work or the completion of it, the Contractor is not entitled to additional funds, but the Client must allow for a reasonable extension of the Due Date.

Independent Contractor

The Client acknowledges and understands that the Contractor is an independent contractor and, as such, is allowed to take on other Work during this Agreement. However, the Client agrees that the Contractor shall perform the Work in this Agreement, and the Client will hire no other contractors for the Work during this Agreement. The Client has no authority over the Contractor, their employees, or personnel. The Contractor also has no authority to enter into contracts on behalf of the Client.


Contractor will indemnify and hold harmless the Client from loss or liability from performing Work under this Agreement. However, it is only to the extent that such losses are attributable to the negligence, willful, or reckless acts of the Contractor, their employees, personnel, or other parties for which it is responsible.